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If you’re sick of plucking, waxing, and shaving every day or multiple times a day, we’ve got the perfect solution to reduce your hair long-term. Laser hair removal is the quickest way to reduce unsightly hair. All treatments must be on same area. Each package is 6 treatments on same area.
lip, chin, throat, underarm, nape of neck, belly line, toes, fingers, areolas, center brow, sideburns, back of neck
bikini, extended bikini, full face, half arms, abdomen, feet, hands,
glute crease, shoulders
brazilian, lower legs, buttocks, chest, half of back
full back, upper legs
IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It’s a type of light therapy used to treat wrinkles, spots, and unwanted hair. You can use IPL to minimize or remove: age spots, sun damage, freckles, birthmarks, broken blood vessels on your face and rosacea
Fractional laser is a revolutionary noninvasive laser therapy designed to dramatically improve skin texture and pigmentation. Including the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and surgical scars, brown spots, melasma, and stretch marks without significant downtime.
3x5 area
5x7 area
8x10 area
Whiter smile in 30 minutes
If you are on antibiotics, you cannot be treated.
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